Join Liminal Space for an interactive shared experience you won't forget!
Finale to the Shaping Tomorrow project, you will find yourself amidst an interactive story reflecting on the past, present and future of the San Lorenzo river and our community that surrounds it. Donate what you choose, this free public event will have you making discoveries about our local ecosystem, reflecting on our community, building new connections, making art together, and Shaping Tomorrow.

1. Occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.
2. Relating to a transitional stage of a process.
Patrons get the quarterly Liminal Zine, access to behind-the-scenes art designs, insider info, advance ticket purchases, and a 20% discount on all of our artist-made merch!
Whether you're already a Liminal community member, a local art lover that wants to see more, or a supporter from 1000 miles away, hit the Patreon link and join this journey. We truly can't do it without you!